Focus on Self Care with Care
Disclaimer : These are observations made from counseling sessions and shared to create awareness towards supporting Mental Health.
During the World Mental Health Month , the focus as per this year’s theme is on human rights being universal and the first right is being human in the most compassionate angle of existence. The emphasis on self care and being our own person across social media and present acknowledgement of Mental Health as being a daily life necessity has put “care” in care of being responsible for own self care!
The easy availability of self care programs , workshops and seminars for the urban and semi urban audiences leaves most of them over stretched to find the right balance . the daily life task and adjustments these experiences encourage the individual to follow can be daunting and start feeling like a chore eventually. The recognition everyone is trying and coping with living in everyday life is the first self care focus , I would like to advocate through this medium.
As our daily life is a challenge to make ends meet , living around the concept of achieving and being outcome oriented keeps us occupied with everything and yet nothing. The power of pausing and reflecting back was in focus during the pandemic years . It seems as the wheel of globalized community though war and strife stricken presently this pause and reflection power is again out of mind out of sight. Those trying to inculcate this in a post pandemic era are being seen differently. So the second focus is pausing to reflect our present reality and not judging , assuming or presuming the scenarios allowing ourselves to be the by products of our efforts rather than the system.
With these two in focus , the third self care focus is on establishing a consistent routine of things that make life functionally easier for you. They can be the promoted self care activities across the social media and offline magazines and things that make you feel good. The well researched and established 21/90 days and 100 hours / 18 minutes a day paradigms can be adopted to create consitency with taking support from making and cutting off to-do list.
The three care points of self care , then create an accountability and responsibility toward s ourselves.
Now to focus on ways to continue keeping the focus –
- Minimizing negative personal and professional interactions.
If you still have to face difficult people and scenarios remind yourself “ they perceive the world differently their opinion is not my reality”
- Priotising things , making a list and identifying achieving which will make you work towards the next thing, you reward your own self .
Seeking intrinsic motivation makes us accountable for our actions – Everything is interrelated in our focus on ourselves. We have to prioritize it and work from one point to another.

- Expressing Ourselves
How we would like to be treated or respected , asking others around us how we can treat them better. Opening communication and changing the way we talk , being able to express changes the way experience oursleves and if even if not everyone around us responds the way we would like remind yourself “ I am being true to myself , I am not hurting myself or others”
Creating a focused self care routine that can become a part of your personality takes daily work and can have pit -falls. To navigate through the challenges of these pit-falls seek help of mental health professionals who can help you regulate your emotions and understand the scenarios to cope in a focus way as you continue to care for yourself.
If you believe I can be the right professional for you please reach out to me the details are mentioned below.
Aarti Ahuja
For Appointments
Call : 011 22541842 / 91 85748981
WhatsApp : 8595748981