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B-18 Swasthya Vihar Vikas Marg ,New Delhi 110092

+91 76783 41364
Timings: Monday to Saturday
In Person – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tele Counseling – 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Not Feeling Enough, But Being Enough

Disclaimer : These are observations made from counseling sessions and shared to create awareness towards supporting Mental Health.

What is Enough ? A mental reality or physical awareness, Are You Enough?

The interaction with feeling and being is a state of action that we as individuals engage in regularly while accepting our professional and social roles.

Enough has been observed as an active state of –

E – Engaging

N – Notable

O – Objective

U – Understanding

(of )

G – Grounded

H- Healing

After every life challenge and keeping up with daily life as well , the human experience engages emotional and mental strategies to create a coping mechanism to fulfill the roles one finds as per life circumstances.

Gender differences do play a role in the perception of being enough, November 19th , today is celebrated as international Men’s Day & I as a psychologist support men and women both as I aim to develop the individual within the body and facilitate the mind to perceive the spirit holistically.

Men are releazing and parenting styles changing towards being gender neutral and having positive and fluid perceptions about gender roles. The new age individual is not just the sex and gender it is the Age of The Individual.

Each side has its own darkness the feminist movement too has a dark side that affects men and mostly keeps them quite about seeking mental health , police or judicial help. That makes the concept of being enough in focus again!

The emotional , social and physical perception of the individual makes them struggle through the prism of gender. Yes, the writing on the wall is evident Men are equally struggling and facing emotional , social and moral conflicts in being and not being. That is why the empowerment is not gender based now it is individual based and the change is based on statistics like –

As of October 2021, women had the highest share of mental health disorders in India, amounting to 39 percent and 30 percent for stress and anxiety health disorder respectively. Comparatively, 33 percent of men had depression as compared to women with 31 percent during the same time period. (taken from the website article on mental health disorders among Indians 2021, by gender )

Another similar article as way back as 2009 on points out to Indian men being driven to depression and the percentage back then was highlighted as  20% of Indian men are clinically depressed.

Years on the burden of mental health has increased as economic , social and global crisis have had affects on bread winning and economic stability for the Indian man. To share the burden of the global incidents of mental health disorder India is leading the charts.

The middle-aged Indian man who has grown up in a changing society of the feminist movement being a strong voice , also needs a voice of their own today to fulfill being Enough as individuals.

The National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) 2015-16 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare shows that rates of depression are higher among women than among men across all age groups. The difference reaches its peak in the 40-49 age group – 4.19 per cent of women and 3.04 per cent of men have depressive disorders.

It is still significant to notice how men are struggling and the new age man needs newer solutions to their issues . These issues are not only about having financial stability they are about being enough as individuals , maintaining health , social relationships ( romantic , workplace and friendships ) and being good for the women or chosen partners in relationships. The sociocultural and economic factors burden the Man. They don’t tend to due to stigmatization and judgement disclose their problems and from the point where a burnout can be avoided by seeking professional help and other supportive resources they fall prey to mental health disorder.

This International Men’s Day , Tatava Studio Simplifying Wellness , stands with Men who are focusing on individualistic development unlearning conditioned patterns , improving perceptions and wanting to create holistic personalities that contribute to society to be Enough as well as being human!

Aarti Ahuja
For Appointments

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