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B-18 Swasthya Vihar Vikas Marg ,New Delhi 110092

+91 76783 41364
Timings: Monday to Saturday
In Person – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tele Counseling – 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Disclaimer : These are observations made from counseling sessions and shared to create awareness towards supporting Mental Health.

As the individual understands identity and the interaction between the self and environment give them experiences these experiences express a wide range of emotions. The emotions experienced also are filtered in the scope of gender identity. 

The process of becoming social and interacting with environments makes us functioning individuals. Functioning as social beings and in the attempt we encounter the process of feelings and its acceptance to adapt to being an individual. 

We are all damaged and get hurt through various scenarios to learn better ways of being as per our scenarios. In popular media and literature it is called painful lessons , often , but it is life that in its totality is a process of recovery that never ends.

From the earlier stages of psycho-social development to life stages and milestones both personal and professional. Individuals are recovering from some misfortune , injustice , betrayal , loss or abuse that is viewed as trauma . Trauma beyond the scientific understanding in life shows up as maturity of being self reliant. Self reliance is the individual’s own path and remaining true to one’s emotions , which is called emotional intelligence , ability to identify and manage emotions

The 3 As  model often explored in therapeutic interaction of Awareness , Acceptance & Adaptability brings the individual to create an openness towards experiences if even they are traumatic and ability to change your beliefs when they no longer assist in your interaction as a social being. The process of experiencing the range of emotions at any age can humble an individual; they form self resilience and consistent coping mechanisms that are their internal compass. Intellectual maturity is also humility which is openness to experience and well being – 

As life progresses the demands of intellectual capabilities vis a vis social interaction can be over burdening and lead to burnout . The disconnect of coping is the multidimensional psyche approaching to ensure its safety itself from the outside world, safety and seeking comfort away from trauma . This constraint has been recognised by Psychologists as the existential tension of opposites.

The maintenance of these opposing forces is learnt , relearnt and always in the process of improving the self regulation of emotions to respond in the most humble way by allowing the openness to interact with experiences.

We at Tatava Studio Simplifying Wellness , have developed models to help individuals become themselves through counselling that encourages emotional and intellectual capacity building. 

Learn more and check out Boundaries of Communication in Social Settings

Aarti Ahuja
For Appointments

Call : 0112254182 / 91 7678341364
WhatsApp : 91 7678341364

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