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B-18 Swasthya Vihar Vikas Marg ,New Delhi 110092

+91 76783 41364
Timings: Monday to Saturday
In Person – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tele Counseling – 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Mental Health In Daily Life

Disclaimer : These are observations made from counseling sessions and shared to create awareness towards supporting Mental Health.

The first time as a student of psychology as young as 11th Grade when the subject is taught formally in the Indian educational setup . We read “ everyone is prone to a mental illness at some point in life as the individual interacts with the environment and socio-cultural dynamics”

This statement for a young student like me opened up a Pandora’s box. I have been blessed to have been exposed to the concept of Mental Health and had familial awareness around keeping up with good thoughts as a daily practice of self care.

I became a mental health advocate before I became the professional I am today. The change began towards accepting Mental Health as a feature of daily life when I began social training and learning formal etiquette. The basics of greeting people ( hello , good morning , good afternoon etc )  , smiling and using terms like thank you , sorry & please not only are scientifically proven to increase social likability but also formulate positive vibes that keep communication open and keep our mental health in check!

Mental Health in daily life begins with our first thought when we wake up and continues with the small habits . These effectiveness of small habits have been again popularized by bestseller books and online talks that have motivated many to create a positive mindset daily

Beyond the pointers already existing the ones I have observed in my clients going towards maintenance after life happenings and otherwise mentally healthy individuals are –

  • Communicating their needs about themselves & towards others
  • Practicing sustaining boundaries and following through with action
  • Being forthright and acting in ones interest without hurting another person knowingly
  • Accepting not knowing things , willing to learn & also owning up to mistakes
  • Making room for improvement asking feedback from other in personal and professional relationships – for example “ how can I support you “ , “ how can I understand you better “
  • Giving to tohter people with integrity , kind and compassion & equally receiving with thankfulness towards being reciprocated.

Individuals I have taken through the process of establishing good mental health again and people around me socially are authentic and highly aware people who have built these ways of interaction after radically accepting their authenticity.

  • Accepting is viewed as acknowledgement and awareness
  • Accepting involves letting of of judgement and opting to perceive things as they actually are
  • Awareness is the key – begin by noticing when you are negatively judging or coitizing others
  • Practice willingness rather than willfulness
  • Notice when you are resistant to reality . Help and say “Yes” but if it inconveniences you also put forth your boundaries and say a “No”
  • Be accepting of people as they are in their physicality and mentality
  • Relax your body often , practice grounding techniques , deep breathing and positive visualization or affirmations. ( see our reel to know more )
  • Take into account with thankfulness the situations that have got you till the present , forgive the past version imbibe the lessons and move to a new version of yourself
  • Don’t carry guilt of changing or being different , other people have to meet various versions of you because you are similarly meeting them as they are as well! Respect yourself and others.
  • Learn and remember what you can and can not control
  • Examine your expectations – Ask your yourself –

What you feel , How you feel , What can you change about yourself in the situation , Whom do you feel towards . Have you felt like this before , Are these situations similar

  • Practice watching your breathing , even if you don’t follow any specific technique this will bring you to the present and you will be able to make better choices by feeling connected to your mind , body and spirit.
  • Acceptance is a decision you make again and again till it becomes a part of your behavior and common way to response making way Mental Health a daily feature.
  • Develop personal coping statements that help you gain strength in difficult situations
  • Recognize difference between urges and behavior.
  • Practicing acceptance is also changing your attitudes and believes that makes you open mined to living a life authentically.

Through my private practice I offer individualized wellness plans and changing the self behavior improvement sessions to create good Mental Health in daily life of many people. Reach out if you want to start your journey of self acceptance and enroll in our programs.

Aarti Ahuja

For Appointments
Call : 011 22541842 / 91 85748981
WhatsApp : 8595748981 

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