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+91 76783 41364
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In Person – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tele Counseling – 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Boundaries of Communication in Social Settings?

Disclaimer : These are observations made from counseling sessions and shared to create awareness towards supporting Mental Health.

As we collectively learn to respect ourselves we also have to learn to create a space for ourselves to be productive and mentally healthy individuals contributing to society for the betterment of the self and others.

Today social etiquette are changing and evolving as much as the sociocultural fabric is , the cultural amalgamation and inclusive society in urban areas brings a new set of boundaries in communication of social settings.

Healthy boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within equations.A person with healthy boundaries can say “no” to others when they want to, but they are also comfortable opening themselves up to intimacy and close personal relationships.

Building healthier boundaries  or the act of setting boundaries is a life skill. It is the practice of openly communicating and asserting personal values as way to preserve and protect against having them compromised or violated.

In a past blog,  ” Keeping Up Our Boundaries” , we shared how the authentic individual who lives from an awareness of here-now and evolves towards the understanding of being a work in progress , often is challenged with keeping up their boundaries.

Further our post on social media ( Instagram @tatavastudio ) , the emails we received and the subsequent DM interactions , the urban individual is taking responsibility of their communication styles and with these wanting to set effective boundaries in social setting including personal relationships

Communication styles play a major role in rapport building and maintaining social connections. But there is a fine line in connecting and being intrusive in communication , that can violate our boundaries or we become intrusive for other.

This fine line in our evolving technological driven social interactions is very important to understand , the new social etiquette are for social media communication as well!

To improve our ways of social media communication, Tatava Studio Simplifying Wellness brings

5 Intrusive Communication Styles To Avoid

1- Asking about Personal Details

( Age , Relationship Status & Family in the first communication , meet the person as they are )

2- Sending Good Morning / Good Night Text

( If you have something to converse please do , after appropriate greeting but don’t send these greetings you are invading privacy of the other individual )

3 – Only Sending Forwards

On special days/ holidays/ festival etc & self promotion

(Please stop sending if not communicating other wise.)

4 – Over Communicating

Too eager to share numbers ,

( Wait for the end of the interaction or for the other person to suggest sharing numbers.)

5- Bombarding with Social Media Connection Request.

(Show yourself and them respect ask their permission before connecting on social media or allow them to initiate connection.)

Communication directly with a purpose ( personal or professional ) , don’t over step boundaries or intrude in the other’s space. Respect your digital presence and the others as well.

As this is practiced and established with others around you the communication in social settings becomes easier to communicate as people and you recognize –

1 – Being Heard & Hearing

Speak your truth calmly. Be respectful , while remember you matter as much as others to voice your feelings.

  • Hold Space For Others

Let others express and and encourage a non judgmental environment . Encourage equal sharing in safety of this understanding.

Don’t rush or force.

3 – Enjoy the Togetherness

During social interactions many a times things might not go as planned , don’t sweat, appreciate the pause. Bring everyone together in such situations by creating humour and easing expectations on others. This builds a healthy communication and helps each individual establish boundaries for themselves in social interactions.

4 – Listen To Your Heart

In social interactions adults over time associate experience with assumptions and emotions that makes them judgemental and most often less trusting towards each other . As we interact with new people and old equations we must remember life experiences can change individuals and we as adults should meet each other as the individual is in the moment. Following our intuition and the feeling that is being shown creates a reciprocation that builds social connections with meaning.

5 – Pay Attention To Timing & Moods

Many scenarios come up wherein as adults taking the call whether it is the right time to share and communicate is left on understanding the social scenarios regarding others sensitivity ( moods and ability to process ) not everyone will be on the same mental and emotional wavelength at all times in social interactions. Easing the felt pressure in social communication can help people not feeling rushed and creating a space that allows them to interact with you and others in their own time. We discussed holding space in our previous blog “ Creating Safe  Social Places To Thrive Personally”

The mantra for successful modern day boundaries of communication in social settings is –

Aarti Ahuja
For Appointments

Call : 011 22541842 / 91 85748981
WhatsApp : 8595748981 

1 thought on “Boundaries of Communication in Social Settings?”

  1. Pingback: Heartbreak Is Stressful

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